Monday, February 19, 2007

NOTES - Security Advisor - Simday 10

Cdt. Tomika Cunningham, Security Advisor

Older news: My investigation is completed on the mystery woman wearing flame pants. The woman's name is Melissa Fancey, a townie. I actually found her by looking through old Simmington-Times papers. The clues were right there! Once I found her picture, I was able to show it to lots of Sims who ID'd her.

I'm so grateful for the new SHPD (Simmington Hills Police Department). It's really nice! The Hood Council spared no expense and built a wonderful facility.

Because of my boys, who are young, I will not be able to reside there. I will have to hire someone as a resident cop to overlook any prisoners and keep the facility maintained. I've already started accepting applications for the job.

There are only two special circumstances where the Hood would have to bypass its laws in this case:

This particular Immigrant Sim would move into SHPD right away, and not have to move into an apartment first.

This particular Sim would not have to pay the Immigrant Tax. Since this job is an ongoing one, and is also a service to all Simmingtonians.

We need to move on this as soon as possible. I have two Sims that have been sentenced to two nights in jail for fighting. I propose that our next immigration on Simday 11, is for the new resident cop and family.

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